A Real and Special Offer for You
On Tues, Aug 14, THE BLINDS comes out in paperback. If you know me, you know that I love paperbacks (so pliable! so portable! so one-hand-on-the-subway-readable!) and, in many ways, I consider a paperback release the "true" release of a book. Yet paperback releases often go by quietly. NOT THIS TIME.
The only known photograph of THE BLINDS paperback currently in existence.
And so I extend this special offer: If you buy it THE BLINDS in paperback in a real bookstore on 8/14/18 and email me the receipt, I'll send you a signed copy of SHOVEL READY till l run out (~10 copies). I may extend the offer through the end of the week, but priority will go to those with 8/14 receipts.
You can send me a photo of the receipt through this site, or find me on Twitter, a place I hang out way too much, at @sternbergh and tweet/DM it to me there.
If you've already read SHOVEL READY, I'll send you a signed copy of its sequel, NEAR ENEMY. If you've already read both SHOVEL READY and NEAR ENEMY, then GOD BLESS YOU. We can work something out.
Happy reading.