This Is Fun: The BLINDS Name Generator
When you enter the top-secret Caesura program, a.k.a. "The Blinds," you get a new identity and you have to choose a new name for yourself. Your new name must be a combination of a) an iconic movie star (for familiarity) and b) an ex-Vice-President (for anonymity).
Harry Truman plus...
... Jean Harlow = Harry Harlow
One of the most fun things about writing my new novel, THE BLINDS, was coming up with the names for each character: Calvin Cooper, Charlie Dawes, Buster Ford, Fran Adams, and so on.
Now you can have a "Blinds" name of your very own, with this Blinds Name Generator from the mad geniuses at Ecco Press.
Go ahead. Give it a try. Just take it from me, Harry Harlow — it's addictive.